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Banishing Weeds with Landscape Fabric

By Evolution of Style on May 20, 2012


I hope you all had a glorious weekend.  For the first time in awhile, we had sunny, beautiful weather, the entire weekend.  I worked in the yard a lot this weekend, and have the sore back to prove it.  It's really a nice change of pace from work, where things are so busy and stressful.  Getting outside in the fresh air and just focusing on the work at hand is really rewarding.

On the topic of yardwork, let's get down to business.  Do you have a weed problem?  Sometimes I think Mother Nature just likes to play games with me since I struggle with getting my hydrangeas to bloom, but yet, I can't eradicate weeds to save my life.

Let me introduce you to something that has made my weeding problem more manageable.  Landscape fabric.


I tested it out last year in a small area around our mailbox that had these vine-like weeds that had a network of roots like the NYC subway system.  Ridiculous.  It went from looking something like this:


To this (taken last year):


And I'm happy to report, that it still is virtually weed-free. 

So, now that we're in the process of getting the yard mulched, I am on a mission and have been putting this stuff down all over the place.  We have some beautiful rose bushes that get lost with all of the weeds that like to hunker down in there.  So, it's a double whammy for me - trying to pull prickly weeds amid thorny rose bushes.

Here's what it looked like before I got to work:


And now:



I can't wait to have all of the mulch put down to finish it off.  But for now, I'll take my victories where I can get them. 

The areas that have been completed are looking so pretty.


Things are looking up in the landscaping area.  Take a look at one of my hydrangeas...  Yes, those are BLOOMS that you see!


What are your weed-banishing tricks?  

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