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interior design

Clean, Fresh, Done: Before & Afters

By 86'n It on Dec 18, 2012

Last Friday my eyes welled up with tears, because finally, FINALLY, the house didn't look like a crack house anymore. It wasn't a place of which to be embarrassed. I didn't feel compelled to launch into a 5 minute "we are renovating" explanation every time someone new came over.

Now it looks like a home. Our home.

Here are some Before & Afters:


Ah. That's nice right?

I still laugh to myself whenever I look at the "before" photos lately. 

Seriously, what the hell were we thinking buying this house?

[Side note: I randomly drove by the previous owner's current house this past weekend and while I couldn't see inside, her front porch was packed with stuff. Hoarding habits die hard.]


I *almost* changed the paint color in this hallway from the yellow-green (SW Rice Paddy) to something a little more matching to the dark trim. I'm so glad I didn't. It's a really different, refreshing, and unexpected color and I'm totally digging it.


I know we've made some unusual choices with the trim in this house. First with the decision to paint the baseboards and picture rail the same color as the wall (but semi-gloss), and then my decision to go dark with the trim. I'm completely in love with it though. It's a little more modern, streamlined but dramatic.

And now some other shots:


So clean and fresh and DONE!

The guys still have to come back and do some fixes and touch-ups, but all-in-all, I'm like a new woman.

Stay tuned for the big nursery reveal Thursday!


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